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"Ipoteka-bank" quality policy JSCMB

"Ipoteka-bank" quality policy JSCMB

Main goals of “Ipoteka-Bank” JSCMB in terms of quality are the following: to ensure the Competitiveness, Diversity and High level of banking services rendered enabling bank to increase its financial stability and reliability.

To implement the main principle, increase in services quality for client satisfaction, the bank sets the following priorities: 

  • establishment and continuous improvement of Quality Management System complying with the requirements of  ISO 9001:2015 “Quality Management System.  Requirements”. 
  • constant improvement of procedures and organizational and technological processes influencing the increase in quality of bank's services; 
  • maintain high level of professionalism of the bank’s employees;
  • firm, clear and exhibiting no ambiguity distribution of authority, functional duties and responsibilities among all bank employees; 
  • arrangement of motivating conditions for employees aimed at the improvement of quality and efficiency of employees performance, ensuring the high level of labor and performance discipline, engagement of all employees in  Quality Management System establishment and development; 
  • development of positive corporate environment in the bank, as well as in relations with external interested parties; 
  • efficiency in decision making, flexible interest and tariff policy, individual approach to client service; 
  • performance of obligations to clients and counterparties, full and prompt; 
  • introduction of new and improvement of existing services to adapt to changing client’s needs; 
  • ensuring sufficient number of service points for territorial availability and expansion of bank’s services and client base; 
  • application of advanced information banking technologies, enabling the bank to serve clients and make settlements at qualitative level; 
  • compliance with bank secrecy in serving clients, adherence to the principles of business and information transparency for all interested parties, compliance with  the requirements of the legislation, the Central bank and other government, regulatory and supervisory authorities; 
  • further consolidation of “Ipoteka-Bank” JSCMB active position in banking community focused on financial market improvement and development, as well as building positive image of the bank among it clients, counteragents and other interested parties. 
In implementing Quality Policy, the bank assumes obligation to comply with Quality Management System requirements according to  ISO 9001:2015 and constantly enhance system effectiveness.  The bank’s management ensures that each employee is informed on Quality Policy and complies with its provisions, and provides necessary clarifications.  The chairman of the Board of “Ipoteka-Bank” JSCMB is responsible for Quality Policy implementation.

The Board of “Ipoteka-Bank” JSCMB annually analyzes the activities of the bank in achieving its objectives and, if necessary, may revise the Quality Policy.