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The Risk Management Department conducted a webinar for risk coordinators

Posted by: 10 june, 2022

On June 9, 2022, employees of the Risk Management Department conducted a webinar for risk coordinators of the bank's branches and divisions of the Head Office, dedicated to raising the level of risk culture and identifying and self-assessing operational risks.

In accordance with the modern requirements of the International Corporate Governance Standards and the recommendations of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, in May of the current year, Ipoteka-bank's Operational Risk Management Policy was updated.

In order to ensure compliance with the requirements set out in the Policy for the effective management of operational risks, the bank's business units and branches act as the first line of defense, which means identifying the risks inherent in their line of business and identifying tools to manage these risks.

The webinar explained in detail the main issues of the formation and development of risk culture, the concepts and main features of credit, operational, market, environmental and social risks, as well as the need for understanding and knowledge in the field of risk management and their application in practice by bank employees at all levels. It was noted that risk coordinators in the structures of the Head Office and branches of the bank are responsible for identifying and monitoring all types of operational risk, as well as submit reports to the Risk Management Department in electronic form via CRM -OLI program.

The webinar was held interactively in the form of questions and answers, risk coordinators were provided with a thematic presentation, a detailed explanation of the procedure for identifying operational risks and calculating incurred operating losses.