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Bank Safe

Safe place

Do you agree that keeping valuables under the mattress, under the pillow or even in hiding, hidden in the living room behind the landscape, is somewhat old-fashioned? Ipoteka-Bank offers you a convenient, safe and secure place to store valuables - an individual bank safe.

In an individual safe you can keep money, jewelry, documents, securities, works of art - in a word, everything that you value and that you might like to hide from prying eyes.

All types of shelf life

You can rent safe deposit box for any convenient period - from one week to several years. Short lease periods are especially convenient when you are going on vacation or a business trip.

My safe - is my castle

Individual safes are located in specially equipped premises of Ipoteka-Bank - depositories. The depository room is equipped with the most modern means of protection and is guarded within 24 hours. Safe is locked with two locks After signing the contract, safe deposit box becomes your property. You can rest assured: access to the valuables of third parties (including bank employees) is excluded. Only you have the keys to the safe.

The service is provided only in Tashkent branches.


Having explained to you how to use the safe, a bank employee leaves the depository. No one except you is present there at the time of putting valuables in the cell - thus full confidentiality is guaranteed.

Ipoteka-Bank highly appreciates your trust. If you put valuables in an individual safe, we guarantee their complete safety and absolute inviolability.