The General Meeting of Shareholders of the Bank
The General Meeting of Shareholders shall be a supreme management body of the Bank.
Matters related to election of the Council and the Auditing Commission of the Bank, possibility of extension, renewal or termination of an agreement entered into with the Chairman of the Board of the Bank shall be resolved as well as the annual report of the Bank and other documents shall be considered at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.
Extract from the minutes of the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of the bank dated 22.02.24
Extraord_general meeting of shareholders_Minutes_ 10.11.2023
Выписка из протокола годового общего собрания акционеров по итогам 2022 года
Extract from the minutes of the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of the bank dated May 26, 2023
Extract from the minutes of the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of the bank dated May 5, 2023
Выписка из протокола внеочередного общего собрания акционеров от 28.04.2023 года
Выписка из протокола внеочередного общего собрания акционеров от 27.07.2022 года
Выписка из протокола годового общего собрания акционеров от 30.06.2022 года
Выписка из протокола внеочередного общего собрания акционеров от 29.04.2022 года
Выписка из протокола внеочередного общего собрания акционеров от 20.09.2021 года
Выписка из протокола внеочередного общего собрания акционеров от 24.03.2020 года
Выписка из протокола внеочередного общего собрания акционеров от 11.11.2019 года
Выписка из протокола годового общего собрания акционеров по итогам 2018 года
Выписка из протокола внеочередного общего собрания акционеров от 07.01.2019 года
The Supervisory Board of JSCMB «Ipoteka-Bank» is carried out by the general management of the Bank's activities, with the exception of issues related to the competence of the General Meeting of Shareholders.
The Supervisory Board of JSCMB «Ipoteka-Bank» operates, in accordance with the Regulations on the Supervisory Board, approved by the General Meeting of Shareholders of the Bank.
Date of drawing up the minutes on making changes to the composition of the Supervisory Board: 10.11.2023
№ |
FULL NAME. or full name of the trustee |
Place of work, position |
Owned shares |
Work in other organizations |
Place of work |
job title |
type |
quantity |
Place of work |
job title |
Members of the Bank's Supervisory Board |
1. |
Laszlo Wolf |
OTP Bank Plc |
Deputy General Director |
- |
0 |
- |
- |
2. |
Peter Bese Janos |
OTP Bank Plc |
Head of International Retail Services |
- |
0 |
- |
- |
3. |
Zoard Gazmar Laszlo |
OTP Bank Plc |
Managing Director, Compliance Director |
- |
0 |
- |
- |
4. |
Makhkamov Rustam Khusniddinovich |
Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan |
Chief legal consultant |
- |
0 |
- |
- |
Independent members of the Bank's Supervisory Board |
5. |
Ladygina Elena Vasilevna |
YVL Ltd. |
Director |
- |
0 |
- |
- |
6. |
Marco Volz |
«Kylin Prime Group» AG |
Transaction Advisor |
7. |
Tatiana Dogan |
JSC “Kazakhstan Ijara Company” (Almaty) |
Independent Director of the Board of Directors |
- |
0 |
- |
- |
8. |
Zoltan Szalai György |
- |
- |
- |
0 |
- |
- |
9. |
Maxim Chernushchenko |
Fingular PTE. LTD |
- |
0 |
- |
- |
Audit, Anti-Corruption and Ethics Committee
The Committee was established in accordance with the Charter of the Bank by decision of the general meeting of shareholders and is an advisory body that ensures the effective performance of the Supervisory Board of its functions of overseeing the processes of accounting and financial reporting, audit of financial statements and activities of the Bank, as well as the effective operation of the internal control system of the Bank.
The main objectives of the Committee are a preliminary comprehensive study of the issues considered by the Supervisory Board concerning the processes of accounting and financial reporting, audit of financial statements and activities, the internal control system of the Bank, development of recommendations for the Supervisory Board to make informed decisions aimed at improving the efficiency of the internal control and audit system of the Bank.
The committee was elected from among the members of the Bank's Supervisory Board and approved by the decision of the Bank's Supervisory Board.
Committee composition:
Committee on Risks, Related Party Transactions and Major Transactions
The Committee was established in accordance with the Charter of JSCMB «Ipoteka-Bank» and the Regulations on the Supervisory Board of JSCMB «Ipoteka-Bank» and is an advisory body that ensures the effective performance of the Supervisory Board of its functions of overseeing the risk management system, review and approval of transactions with related parties and big deals.
The main objectives of the Committee are a preliminary comprehensive study of issues considered by the Supervisory Board regarding the Bank's risk management system, transactions with related parties and major transactions, making recommendations for the Supervisory Board to make informed decisions aimed at improving the efficiency of the risk management system, transparency of transactions with related parties, and also protection of the interests of the Bank and its shareholders from:
- damage that can be caused by making insufficiently prepared decisions regarding the conclusion of major transactions;
- damage that may be caused if interested parties exert pressure / influence on the officials of the Bank in order to induce them to conclude a transaction with related parties on unfavorable terms. The committee was elected from among the members of the Bank's Supervisory Board and approved by the decision of the Bank's Supervisory Board.
Committee composition:
Committee members:
Remuneration Committee
The Committee was established in accordance with the Charter of JSCMB «Ipoteka-Bank» and is a collegial advisory body created to assist the members of the Supervisory Board in considering issues related to the formation of an effective and transparent system of motivation and remuneration practice for members of the Supervisory Board, the Management Board and key employees of the Bank and Bank employees.
The purpose of the Committee's activities is to assist the Supervisory Board in determining the remuneration policy and monitoring its implementation, based on the bank's risk acceptance level, implementation of a long-term strategy, risk appetite, financial results, internal control system, legal requirements and internal regulations of the Bank.
The committee was elected from among the members of the Bank's Supervisory Board and approved by the decision of the Bank's Supervisory Board.
Committee composition:
Committee members:
Corporate Governance and Nomination Committee
The Committee was established in accordance with the Charter of JSCMB «Ipoteka-Bank» is an advisory body on corporate governance and personnel policy, including the nomination of candidates to the Supervisory Board and the Management Board of the Bank.
The purpose of the Committee is to develop recommendations and proposals to the Supervisory Board and the Management Board of the Bank aimed at supporting and improving the corporate governance system, as well as forming and ensuring the effective implementation of the Bank's personnel policy.
The committee was elected from among the members of the Bank's Supervisory Board and approved by the decision of the Bank's Supervisory Board.
Committee composition:
Committee members:
Committee on Strategy, Investments and Privatization
The Committee was established in accordance with the Bank's Charter by the decision of the Supervisory Board and is an advisory body ensuring the effective performance of the Supervisory Board of its functions to consider and agree on issues of strategy and privatization.
The main objectives of the Committee's establishment are a preliminary comprehensive study of the issues concerning the Bank's strategic development and privatization considered by the Supervisory Board, making recommendations for the Supervisory Board to make informed decisions aimed at improving the Bank's performance in the long term, monitoring the implementation of the Bank's strategic development plans by the Bank's Management Board.
The committee was elected from among the members of the Bank's Supervisory Board and approved by the decision of the Bank's Supervisory Board.
Committee composition:
The leadership of the Bank's current activities is carried out by the Collegial Executive Authority - the Board of the JSCMB «Ipoteka-Bank». The activities of the Bank's Board are headed by the Chairman of the Board.
The Board of JSCMB «Ipoteka-Bank» operates, in accordance with the Regulations on the Management Board approved by the General Meeting of Shareholders of the Bank.
Date of drawing up the minutes on making changes to the composition of the Executive Body: 12.07.2024
№ |
FULL NAME. or full name of the trustee |
Place of work, position |
Owned shares |
Work in other organizations |
Place of work |
position |
type |
quantity |
Place of work |
position |
1. |
Sandro Rtveladze |
JSCMB Ipoteka-bank |
Chairman of the Management Board of the Bank (CEO) |
- |
0 |
- |
- |
2. |
Szentpeteri Adam Andras |
JSCMB Ipoteka-bank |
Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of the bank, Head of Strategy and Finance Block (Financial Director, CFO) |
- |
0 |
- |
- |
3. |
Victor Vorobej |
JSCMB Ipoteka-bank |
Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of the bank, Head of the Risk Management Block (Risk Director, CRO) |
- |
0 |
- |
- |
4. |
Dmitry Sapronov |
JSCMB Ipoteka-bank |
Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of the bank, Head of Small Business and Retail Services Block (CSO) |
- |
0 |
- |
- |
5. |
Abdurakhmanov Makhmud Akhmatkhuzhaevich |
JSCMB Ipoteka-bank |
Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of the bank, Head of Operations Block (COO) |
- |
0 |
- |
- |
6. |
Inomjonov Elyor Isroilovich |
JSCMB Ipoteka-bank |
Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of the bank, Head of Corporate Governance Block |
- |
0 |
- |
- |
7. |
Rakhbarov Nodirbek Alisherovich |
JSCMB Ipoteka-bank |
Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of the bank, Head of the Block for monitoring the loan portfolio and working with problem loans |
- |
0 |
- |
- |
8. |
Khakimov Umidjon Abdukhalikovich |
JSCMB Ipoteka-bank |
Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of the bank, Head of Corporate Banking and Market Instruments Block |
- |
0 |
- |
- |
Credit Committee
The Credit Committee is a permanent collegial body of the bank, responsible for making the final decision on the approval or refusal to issue a loan to the borrower and approving the loan conditions for him. The Committee reports to the Management Board of the Bank.
The committee also determines the credit policy of the bank as a whole:
• makes decisions on the placement of credit resources;
• considers schemes for restructuring problem loans;
• determines all kinds of bank risks associated with various types of lending and operations;
• sets limits on specific market and credit instruments;
• develops a methodology for analyzing the creditworthiness of clients;
• approves regulatory documents on the procedure for performing transactions containing credit and other risks, etc.
Committee composition:
Committee members:
Assets and Liabilities Management Committee
The Asset and Liability Management Committee is the committee responsible for making business decisions (on issues within its competence) and preparing proposals to the Bank's Management Board on issues requiring its resolution. The Committee reports to the Management Board of the Bank.
The committee performs the following main functions:
• development of proposals for the Management Board of the Bank and business decisions related to the management of the Bank's balance sheet and its financial results. At the same time, the Committee takes into account the Bank's strategy, its business plans and annual budget, the maximum acceptable level of risks determined by the Bank's Management Board;
• adequacy of the Bank's resources for the implementation of business decisions, the need to allocate resources, first of all, to priority areas of activity, ensuring the achievement of the set goals while maintaining a stable financial position of the Bank;
• development of proposals to the Management Board of the Bank on the maximum permissible risks for the Bank;
• monitoring and analysis of market risks, liquidity and funding conditions, taking into account the changing conditions of the Bank's activities, requirements of regulatory bodies, recommendations of international bodies on banking regulation and supervision, international experience and banking practice;
• monitoring the procedures for the preparation and submission of internal management reporting in the Bank, ensuring the timely provision of management information to the Management Board of the Bank on issues related to the activities of the Committee.
Committee composition:
Committee members:
Risk Management Committee
The Risk Management Committee assists the Bank's Supervisory Board in determining the priority areas of the bank's activities in the area of banking risks and assistance in creating conditions for proper risk management. The Committee reports to the Management Board of the Bank.
The Risk Management Committee performs the following functions:
• assessment of the effectiveness of the current risk management system (analysis of the bank's internal documents regulating the risk management process, analysis of the sufficiency of management reporting on risks, analysis of the sufficiency of information support for the risk management process);
• consideration of internal documents on banking risk management, regular reports on types of risks, the state of bank limits, stress testing results;
• advises the Bank's Supervisory Board on risk appetite, control over the implementation of the risk statement and reporting on the state of risk culture.
Committee composition:
Technological committee
The Technology Committee was created to implement strategic goals in the field of information technology, information security and IT risk management, as well as to maintain the bank's technological leadership. The Committee reports to the Management Board of the Bank.
The main functions of the Technology Committee:
• approval of information technology policies;
• consideration of information security and IT risk management policies;
• prioritization of projects and directions of IT and information security development;
• approval of initiatives for large technology projects;
• prioritizing requests for software changes;
• approval of the criteria for selecting requests for software changes that require consideration by the Committee.
Committee composition:
Committee members:
Products Committee
The main task of the Committee is to ensure qualitative and efficient management of the Bank's Product Catalog.
The main functions of the Product Committee:
(a) organization of market analysis and development of proposals for new products/services;
(b) organization of internal interaction between structural divisions of the bank, in terms of analysis, development and presentation of products/services;
(c) decision-making (according to the matrix of powers):
• about initiating the development of products/services;
• inclusion of new products/services in the Bank's Product Catalogue;
• modification of existing products/services;
• on exclusion of products/services from the Product Catalogue.
(d) development of processes and regulations for managing the Product Catalog, their implementation and improvement.
Committee composition:
Committee members:
The external auditor of JSCMB "Ipoteka-Bank" for the 2022 financial year is the audit company "Ernst and Young" in accordance with the decision of the annual general meeting of the bank's shareholders following the results of 2023.
The term "corporate governance" is understood as a set of rules that determine the main actions of shareholders, members of the Board and other executives in managing the activities of a commercial bank. The concept of good corporate governance also includes the use of ethical business standards, a sense of responsibility towards shareholders and taking into account the needs of the society in which the bank operates. (Clause 1.1 of the Regulations on Corporate Governance in Commercial Banks, registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 943 of July 5, 2000)
Corporate consultant service.
The corporate consultant service is a structural division of the Bank, subordinate to the Chairman of the Supervisory Board. The general management of the service is carried out by a corporate consultant.
The corporate consultant is a bank official and head of the Bank's structural division - the Corporate Consultant Service of JSCMB «Ipoteka-Bank».
The objectives of the corporate consultant are:
- ensuring compliance with the Bank's claims of the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Charter and Internal Documents of the Bank;
- assistance in the development and improvement of the practitioners of the Bank's corporate governance in the direction of their compliance with the best international practitioners;
- promoting the effective protection of the rights of shareholders and an increase in the investment attractiveness of the Bank;
- Promoting the formation of management practices providing sustainable development of the bank.
Corporate Consultant of JSCMB «Ipoteka-Bank» - Merganov Bahodir Ibragimovich.
The bank organizes the internal audit service. The service of domestic accountable to the Supervisory Board of the Bank.
The internal audit service controls and assesses compliance with the executive body, branches and representative offices of the Bank of the Bank's Charter and other documents, ensuring full and reliable reflection of data in accounting and financial reports, compliance with the established rules and procedures for the implementation of economic operation, storage of assets, as well as the work of the executive body, branches and representative offices of the Bank by monitoring and verifying compliance with the requirements established in the Bank's Legislative Acts.
Information about the members of the Internal audit Service
№ |
Biography of a member of the audit service |
Position held |
Day month Year, Place of Birth |
Name of educational institution and date of graduation |
Education, specialization in education, academic degree |
1 |
Kuliev Nazir Khakimovich |
October 14, 1977 Samarkand region |
Tashkent Financial Institute, 1999 |
Higher finance and credit bachelor |
Director of the Internal Audit Department - Chief Auditor |
2 |
Atazhanov Bahadir Gapurovich |
February 19, 1984 Tashkent city |
Tashkent State Technical University, 2005 Tashkent Financial Institute (master's degree), 2008 |
Higher finance, public finance management, master |
Head of the Operational Audit Division of the Internal Audit Department |
3 |
Akhmedov Bakhtiyor Erkinovich |
01/08/1981 Tashkent city |
Tashkent Financial Institute, 2001 |
Higher banking, bachelor |
Head of the Unit for Methodology and Monitoring of Audit Results of the Internal Audit Department |
4 |
Mirzaev Mukhiddin Khaidarovich |
04/27/1981 Kashkadarya region |
Tashkent Financial Institute, 2002 |
Higher banking, bachelor |
Head of the Financial Audit Division of the Internal Audit Department |
5 |
Musaev Orif Abdurakhmatovich |
01/01/1981 Surkhandarya region |
Tashkent Financial Institute, 2002 |
Higher banking, bachelor |
Lead Auditor of the Operational Audit Division of the Internal Audit Department |
6 |
Khakberdiev Furkat Razhabboyevich |
01/23/1974 Samarkand region |
Tashkent Financial Institute, 1996 |
Higher accounting, control and analysis of economic activity, economist |
Lead Auditor of the Operational Audit Division of the Internal Audit Department |
7 |
Kurbanaliev Akbar Zaripbaevich |
01/09/1982 Republic of Karakalpakstan |
Tashkent Financial Institute, 2004 Tashkent State University of Economics, 2006 (Master's degree) Banking Finance Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2017 |
Higher taxes and taxation, banking accounting and auditing, master |
Senior Auditor of the Unit for Methodology and Monitoring of Audit Results of the Internal Audit Department |
8 |
Dulanboev Kuvonchbek Asilbek ugli |
01/11/1979 Tashkent region |
Andijan Engineering and Economic Institute, 2007 |
Higher accounting and auditing, bachelor |
Senior Auditor of the Operational Audit Division of the Internal Audit Department |
9 |
Jamalov Bakhodir Miryusupovich |
09/16/1983 Tashkent region |
Tashkent State University of Economics, 2004 |
Higher banking, bachelor |
Senior Auditor of the Operational Audit Division of the Internal Audit Department |
10 |
Ruzmetov Elyor Kurbonboevich |
16.02.1982. Khorezm region |
Tashkent Financial Institute, 2003 Tashkent Financial Institute (master's degree), 2005 |
Higher taxes and taxation, master |
Senior Auditor of the Operational Audit Division of the Internal Audit Department |
11 |
Kholmatov Farhod Kholmatovich |
08/04/1982 Tashkent city |
Tashkent Institute of Architecture and Construction, 2005 Tashkent Financial Institute, 2009 Banking Finance Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan 2018 |
Higher economics (construction), banking, banking accounting and auditing, master |
Senior Auditor of the Operational Audit Division of the Internal Audit Department |
12 |
Rakhimov Sirozhiddin Uralovich |
03/16/1982 Kashkadarya region |
Tashkent Financial Institute, 2003 Banking Finance Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan,2015 |
Higher taxes and taxation, banking, master |
Senior Auditor of the Operational Audit Division of the Internal Audit Department |
13 |
Rakhmatullaev Sardor Rahmatulla ugli |
May 26, 1986 Tashkent region |
Tashkent Banking Accounting and Credit College, 2005 Tashkent Financial Institute, 2016 |
Higher banking, finance, bachelor |
Senior Auditor of the Operational Audit Division of the Internal Audit Department |
14 |
Nomirov Zokhid Norkulovich |
03/19/1983 Samarkand region |
Tashkent State University of Economics, 2004 Banking Finance Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2017 |
Higher economics, banking, master |
Senior Auditor of the Operational Audit Division of the Internal Audit Department |
15 |
Kudratov Bakhodir Ovlakulovich |
24.11.1982 Tashkent city |
Tashkent Financial Institute,2004 Banking Finance AcademyRepublic of Uzbekistan,2019 |
Higher accounting and auditing, master |
Senior Auditor of the Financial Audit Department of the Internal Audit Department |
16 |
Achilov Sunnatillo Obidovich |
01/08/1986 Bukhara region |
Tashkent State Technical University, 2007 Tashkent State University of Economics (master's degree), 2009 Banking Finance Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan,2018 |
Higher marketing, management, banking, master |
Senior Auditor of the Financial Audit Department of the Internal Audit Department |
17 |
Nigmanova Shoira Suratovna |
October 27, 1975 Tashkent city |
Tashkent State University of Economics, 1997 |
Higher accounting, control and analysis of economic activity, economist |
Auditor of the Unit for Methodology and Monitoring of Audit Results of the Internal Audit Department |
18 |
Abdukhakimov Jamshiddin Abdukhakimovich |
03/29/1985 Kashkadarya region |
Tashkent Financial Institute, 2008 |
Higher accounting and auditing, bachelor |
Auditor of the Operational Audit Unit of the Internal Audit Department |
19 |
Berdiev Tulkinzhon Tursunovich |
May 30, 1968 Kashkadarya region |
Tashkent State University of Economics, 1994 |
Higher accounting, control and analysis of economic activities, economist |
Auditor of the Operational Audit Unit of the Internal Audit Department |
20 |
Abdurakhmonov Azamat Anvarovich |
29.09.1987 Jizzakh region |
National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, 2012 |
Higher economics (by industry and region), bachelor |
Auditor of the Operational Audit Unit of the Internal Audit Department |
21 |
Salimov Azizbek Abdirakhmonovich |
01/19/1987 Bukhara region |
Tashkent Financial Institute, 2009 |
Higher banking, bachelor |
Auditor of the Operational Audit Unit of the Internal Audit Department |
22 |
Yodgorov Doniyor Tolib ugli |
01.01.1995 Bukhara region |
Tashkent Financial Institute, 2017 |
Higher accounting and auditing, bachelor |
Auditor of the Operational Audit Unit of the Internal Audit Department |
23 |
Solomko Olga Vasilievna |
March 18, 1975 Tashkent city |
Tashkent Automobile and Road Institute, 1997 Tashkent Banking College, 2002 |
Higher transport economics and management, banking, economist |
Junior Auditor of the Department for Methodology and Monitoring of Audit Results of the Internal Audit Department |
The Corporate Governance Code was approved by the minutes of the meeting of the Commission on improving the efficiency of joint stock companies and improving the corporate governance system of December 31, 2015 No. 9 and contains recommendations that joint stock companies follow voluntarily, demonstrating their commitment to honest and transparent business.
The code is based on the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and international principles of corporate governance.
The Code is a set of recommendations on key areas for the effective organization of the work of management bodies of AO.
Additional Information
Conclusion on the assessment of the Corporate governance system of the JSCMB Ipoteka-bank conducted at the end of 2022Conclusion on the assessment of the Corporate governance system of the JSCMB Ipoteka-bank conducted at the end of 2020
MESSAGE FORM on the adoption of recommendations of the corporate governance rules (100 Kb)
Corporate governance rules (483 Kb)
Conclusion on the results of the assessment of the corporate governance system at the end of 2018 (1 031 Kb)
Conclusion on the results of the assessment of the corporate governance system at the end of 2017 (1 217 Kb)
Information on the work done on the implementation of the Code CU in the bank(117 кб)
Regulation on internal control(258 кб)
Regulations on the dividend policy(132 кб)
Regulations on the procedure for action in a conflict of interest(158 кб)
Information Policy Statement(119 кб)
Form of the message on acceptance of the KU code(90 кб)
Conclusion on the assessment of corporate governance for 2016(367 кб)