Call center: (78) 150-11-22

Contact center:  1233

Friendly team

1. One of the conditions for the stable development and competitiveness of an organization is its human resource: professional knowledge, skills and abilities of personnel. Trainings are one of the most effective ways to develop personnel. We have a team of internal trainers, which has become a kind of evolution of the corporate training system of our bank. These are people with a certain temperament, with colossal experience in the banking sector, who know how to teach others. These people have a desire and are not too lazy to invest energy and effort in ensuring that other employees also become the best in their professional field as a result of these trainings.

2. Employees of the branches of our bank, with the assistance of the Training and Development Union, actively participate in trainings and seminars on relevant topics and improve their knowledge. In addition, trainings help employees communicate in an informal setting, which significantly improves the climate in the team.

3. By investing in employee training, professional development, encouraging their striving for professional and personal growth, increasing personal efficiency, our Bank has grown a team of leaders by its own efforts and thereby created a champion organization. The atmosphere of creativity in the team created by the leaders of our Bank makes work on projects a pleasure and involves each employee in the creative process. At the team buildings organized for the leaders of our bank, they receive new knowledge and improve their management skills and abilities.